Rat Pest Control Sydney

Rat Pest Control Sydney Services

Do you have a problem with rats in your Sydney home or office? Would you be looking for a professional rat pest control Sydney service now? How would you like to engage in the pest control services of someone who has been removing rats for 20 years? Would you be looking for a safe pet and child friendly process that will get the job done right?

Possum Rid is your answer to rats in Sydney. Not only do we deal with possums but rat infestations as well. Rats have adapted to Sydney and have learnt how to survive. They breed at astronomical speeds and should be dealt with as soon as you are aware you have an issue. Call Chris today, to have a professional Sydney rat removal service now.

Why Are Rats Coming Into My Home?

Primarily, like nearly all pests, rats will come in search of food and shelter. Many times it’s the female looking to feed babies or find a place to make a nest. They will come in through drains or any small hole they can find to get into the building. Things that attract them are food lying around or it could be simply the fact they like your house. 

In some cases, you may find they enter in the winter time because it’s much warmer in your home. Rats can live just about anywhere. However, they prefer warm dry areas believe it or not. In summary, there are a host of reasons why rats are attracted to your property. 

Why Is It Important To Remove Rats From My Property?

There are few important reasons that you need to remove rats from your property quickly if you have seen any or any evidence of them. Firstly, they will take over if you let them. Meaning, they breed at an astronomical rate. One female rat can have up to 10 to 12 pups and have 7 litters a year. Also, you may want to know that the babies will become sexually active in around 3 months. 

Next, they are extremely unhygienic to have in your home. When they urinate it is filled with ammonia and is very unhealthy to be breathing in. Their feces is also toxic and carries many forms of bacteria and disease dangerous to humans. Lastly, they can be aggressive and will bite if cornered. Keep in mind that you will not usually be dealing with one rat or rodent. It will generally be a lot more. So if you see a rat on your property it is most likely not the same one.

Let's keep your home pest-free

What Disease Do Rats Carry?

Leptospirosis is a bacteria that rats carry in Sydney. This nasty disease can enter your body through orifices and cuts. The bacteria is in the urine, if rats are going to the toilet around the house. Then you can be at risk in Sydney of taking it on board. For example, if you have a cut on your foot or hands somewhere. The bacteria can easily enter your body this way and infect you. 

If this bacteria infects your body, symptoms can be flu-like, headaches, vomiting, chills and other unpleasant feelings. This can lead in some cases to meningitis type symptoms, yellow skin, abdominal pain, diarrhea and red eyes. In extreme cases, it has been known to cause liver and kidney failure. 

How Do I Prevent Rats From Coming Into My Home?

To be honest, preventing rats from coming into your home can be a difficult task depending on the situation. As mentioned, rats come up via sewer pipes and holes they find to access our homes or buildings in general. These holes need to be covered up to stop rodent access. You can speak with a builder or handyman or DIY options if you have building skills.

How Many Rats Are In Sydney?

Rats are the number one pest in Sydney. In fact, rats are the number one pest worldwide. Rats or have adapted with humans perhaps like no other pest on the planet. In Sydney there are estimated to be around 500 million to one billion rats in Sydney alone. The true number cannot and may never be pinpointed. 

How Many Babies Can One Rat Have?

The average female rat has around 5 to 12 pups every litter. They can produce a litter up to 6 or 7 times a year, sometimes more. Furthermore,  the pups will be sexually active in around 3 months. Meaning, wherever they are stationed they can start making more babies. If this is your home or office then this can be a real problem. 


Rats are actually quite intelligent and can be very cunning. They will not always take baits, especially ones from supermarkets and hardware stores. This is why it’s essential to reach out to rat pest control Sydney services to ensure the issue does not get out of hand. 

What To Do If I Have Rats In My Home in Sydney?

If you have rats in your home or office call Possum Rid now to nip the problem in the bud. The problem is not going to get better, it will get worse quickly. Simply use the click to call feature on the website. You can use the enquiry form anytime of the day or night and we will respond within 24 – 48 hours. You can find us also on Facebook and Google Business.